There are certain markers in my life that I refer to as my life's timeline.
Markers such as when we were married, when our sons were born, during the summer when we went to ______________ on vacation, when Luke was HS senior, when my mom passed away, when I received a cancer diagnosis, etc.
These markers are referred to as in “I remember that happened when the boys were 2” or “remember that was before mom died” or “that was before thyroid cancer”.
We, who live in this our great country have common timeline markers as well…the revolutionary war, the civil war, when Presidents Kennedy & Reagan were shot, when the space shuttle Challenger exploded and today now marks the anniversary of yet another timeline marker, September 11th when terrorist attacked on home soil in New York City, Pennsylvania & Washington, DC.
I imagine most people can tell you where they were and what they were doing as they first received word of those attacks. I was sitting here at the same desk I sit at today and received a call from our friend, Mike telling me to get online and see what was happening. It didn’t take long for the news to spread throughout the campus, a campus that was already reeling from the death of our college President in an automobile accident the day before.
Most classrooms that had a television were watching the news broadcasts. I can still see the stunned faces of the auto body students when I walked in their classroom. Here was a room full of fresh out of high school young men with their first real glimpse of a national crisis. I knew the thoughts going through their heads were “Will we go to war?” “Should I enlist and serve my country?” “Will there be a draft?” I know these were their thoughts as I had three draft age sons at the time and those were the questions that came up in conversations as well as thoughts that were going through my mind.
Where you and what were you doing?
My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected personally by the tragic events of 9-11.

photo courtesy of Flickr
“Heavens, raise the roof! Mountains, send up cheers! God has comforted his people. He has tenderly nursed his beaten-up, beaten-down people.”
Isaiah 49:13