I've been itching to get my fall decorations out but keep telling myself to wait until after Labor Day. It just feels like I'm rushing summer away if I do it any earlier. I love to decorate with "fall stuff"; pumpkins, gourds and indian corn. I like walking through crunchy leaves, bonfires and apple orchards.
I look so forward to our annual trip to Tanner's Apple Orchard, north of Peoria. We hope to work out a time this fall to take Jon, Heidi and the kids with us. They have the coolest bridge and tree house for goats. Yes, I did say tree house for goats. You put in your quarter for goat food, the bell rings and you crank the pulley until the food reaches the top deck as the goats hear the bell and all push and shove to get there first. Okay, so I'm still just a kid at heart, but it's so darn much fun.
Fall also means it gets dark earlier. The days already seem alot shorter. Part of me doesn't like that but the other part of me enjoys the coziness it affords. And Fall coziness usually leads to quilting and crafting which I have neglected for way too long. Summer activities tend to put those things on the back burner for me, so I'm looking forward to starting up again.
This is another scene that will be a little less serene as the corn and bean harvest gets rolling. It will be a flurry of activity in another month or so.
Fall is hands down my favorite season.
The only downside to fall is the cold winter months that come right on it's heels. But I'm not going to think about that right now. Maybe if I ignore that winter thought, it will go away. Trying to ignore, trying to ignore, ignoring, ignoring...yup it worked.
Fall is my favorite season also. My daughter is working in Peoria (living in Bloomington). I'm going to have to tell her about Tanner's. She probably thinks she's too old for stuff like that. She's wrong!
ReplyDeleteHey - I might be the only person on the planet who loves a good photo of a grain elevator! They're beautiful.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife