Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Have you figured it out yet?

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve already guessed where we are but I think I’ll withhold the final answer until we get back this weekend.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the last couple of days.

IMG_3037 IMG_0917 IMG_0938IMG_1002


  1. Looks like the Smoky Mountains?

  2. Your pictures are beautiful where ever they are.

    until next time... nel

  3. Somewhere in the mountains? Hey if you get a minute please go check out my post on the winners of the Random Acts of Kindness.

  4. Looks like where I'm headed Easter in-laws live in the foothills of the Smoky Mtns (TN side) and we've rented a cabin in the mtns....can't wait!

    I'm thinking you're somewhere in that general vicinity...maybe the NC side though?

    Oh, we always honk in a tunnel. My hubs never needs to be coaxed. Sometimes to the embarrassment of my kids : )

  5. wherever you are, it sure looks a tad bit chilly!! :)

  6. I know! You have to let me know where you stayed. We're looking for someplace new. I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
