Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 24–Children, Sleeping

This child who is sleeping is the real reason for this season. 

We can get so wrapped up in baking, parties, shopping, etc that we lose the real focus of why we celebrate Christmas. 
On Christmas Day we celebrate that Jesus Christ came to earth in human flesh born in a meager barn to save us from ourselves.  There can be no better gift than that!

As the hustle and bustle of the next few days ramps up, we need to remember why we really celebrate. 
It’s not about “did we get what we wanted?” or “did we get any gifts at all?”  “or was the ham done to perfection?” or “did somebody say something they shouldn’t have at a family gathering?”.  Can anyone else relate to these statements?

It’s ALL about Jesus and I, for one, need to remind myself of that fact instead of letting myself get stressed out trying to make sure everything goes like I think it should and trying to make everyone happy.

Yes, Jesus is the ONLY reason for the season and that’s reason enough for me to celebrate!


  1. What a beautiful picture... thanks for sharing it. Have a blessed Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas Lori! Food prep starts today for our family Christmas tomorrow. I'm just going to turn up the music to keep the stress at bay.

  3. Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful celebration! ~Jeanne
