Sunday, August 17, 2008


I passed and now can go to the DMV and get the motorcycle stamp on license! I passed the 50 question written with 100%, thanks mostly to Kris's quizzing at lunch.
I passed the riding test with not exactly the score I wanted but at least I was in the passing range.

And here is the proof...

Who would have ever thought a little card could make me so happy AND RELIEVED! The squirrels are once again safe. :)


  1. Congratulations Lori! I'm so glad you passed - who cares what the score was? My dad always said, "Know what they call the guy who graduated last in medical school? Doctor!" I call you a license holder motorcycle rider. Blessings, marlene

  2. Oh yeah!!!! Hooray. What are you going to be riding? A Harley Sportster???

    It's been many years since I gave up my motorcycle license. I loved to ride but unfortunately my health and strength wasn't all that great. I rode a 750. Fun.

    I'm looking forward to hearing more about your motorcycling adventures.

    (Hey - maybe I'll get a trike)

    - Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

  3. Thanks for the comment, I'm srill trying to get over the underwear comment! Congrats on the test, WEAR A HELMUT!!
