Life flies by so fast.
27 years ago tonight these two cute little stinkers came into our lives hooting and hollering! We haven’t been the same since!

I remember the pregnancy very well. Our first son was 15 months old when we found out we were expecting again. We were a tad surprised at first as we had not “planned” for them to be so close in age but God had other plans and we soon warmed up to the idea.
However, about 2 months into the pregnancy, I kept having an overwhelming feeling that something was different or wrong this time. I expressed this concern to my doc and got the pat answer “every pregnancy is different”. I tried to accept his answer. I really did. But I continued to have this nagging feeling.
At my next checkup I mentioned it again and received the same answer from the doc.
At my four month checkup, yet again, I said something. Doc finally said to “ease my mind” he would order an ultrasound. Finally, some action and hopefully answers.
Ultrasounds were not as routinely used as they are now so I was very thankful to have this test. The night before the test I was talking with my Mom on the phone and reading to her what ultrasounds could tell us. I got to the part about multiple births and just laughed and shrugged it off never dreaming that was what was “different.”
The next day I arrived at the hospital for my test and one hour later I learned I was carrying two babies! TWO BABIES! My response was pure laughter as in “this isn’t possible, are you sure?” The sweet young ultrasound tech assured me that yes, there were two babies in two sacks and I was having twins. This was also back before we had cell phones so I actually had to wait until I got home to tell DH. He was as stunned as I was. We were stunned but thrilled that there wasn’t anything wrong after all, just different.
Three weeks before their due date Jonathan Paul & Joseph Ray were born on June 28th at 10:30pm & 6 minutes later, the other at 10:36pm weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 6 lbs 12 oz. Lucas was now a big brother. How many of you parents know there is a huge change going from one child to two children? We went from one child to three children and the adventure began.
These little guys (who are now not so little at 6’5” tall) have been such a blessing to us. Of course, they did all the things boys do.
Just to name a few…
toy tractors and trucks everywhere
rough and tumble, beating on each other
a call from the neighbor -- “do you know your boys are on the roof of your house?”
Sword fights with sticks
trips to the emergency room for stitches
a 5 year olds statement at the dinner table one night -- “Wow, do you know how far you can see from the top of the silo?” (never mind the silo was 40 feet off the ground)
on returning from the local drag strip to “observe” the races…
Mom - “How did your truck do?”
Son -- “What do ya mean – I would never race my truck.” (incredulous look)
Mom -- “I know better, how fast did it go?”
Son – “15.2 seconds” (head down trying to look ashamed but all the time pretty proud of his old truck)
Sure, they’ve given us a few headaches and stresses but I wouldn’t give any of it back for the world.
They are sons we can be proud of!