I’ve been wanting to re-do the curtains in my sewing room but hadn’t been able to find fabric that i liked. The carpet is a light gray, three walls are a light-med gray and one wall is a deep burgundy. We also now have a black futon in the room (thanks to Dan’s cousin) for the Grands to sleep on when they come. Gone is the crib, changing table and air beds.
My sewing room is also their room when they come so I wanted something nice but durable and definitely washable.
I found a nice black paisley at a local big box fabric store and when Joyce and I went to Sycamore on Friday, I found a great Michael Miller gray and white dandelion fabric that I fell in love with. I only wish I would have bought more of it.
Here are the finished products. Unfortunately, the pictures aren’t completely true to color. I made two sets (1 set of each print) for the futon. I think they look great together… a little traditional and a little more modern both with removable covers so they can be washed.
Then I made valances out of the black paisley which I really like.
I’m not so sure about the black tier on the smaller window. It may take a hike yet. I have shades to pull anyway. The jury is still out on that one.
Below is why I really like my sewing room. I sit right in front of this window, look out over our front flower bed and watch the world go by. It’s such a cheery place to work.