Thanks for all the birthday wishes.
I can never think of my birthday without remembering what happened the day after my birthday 26 years ago on March 4
th, 1983.
Luke was 1-1/2 years old when I was in the 4
th month of pregnancy with our second child. From the start I told the OB
Dr. that something was different this time. He would ask why I thought that, but I could never put my finger on exactly why I felt that way. He kept reassuring me at each visit that things were fine and every pregnancy was different. I continued with this nagging feeling that something was "wrong." When I went for my appointment that month, I talked to him again about it. He finally said, "let's do an ultrasound so you let this issue go." At that point in time, ultrasounds weren't performed as routinely as they are now days. In fact, when our son Luke was born a year and half earlier, I never even had an ultrasound.
The night before the ultrasound, I was chatting with my Mom on the phone and reading her the
pre-procedure sheet of what all the ultrasound might show from defects to multiple births. Mom kind of chuckled and said maybe you have more than one in there. I laughed right back and said not likely, I'm 4-1/2 months and not even in maternity clothes yet! Then I proceeded to tell her that if that was the case, they could put me in Singers which was a
asylum in a nearby town. 3 babies under two? No way! God had other ideas for us.
The morning of the ultrasound, I went to the hospital expecting to finally get an answer one way or another. At that time ultrasounds weren't as detailed as you see them now. The sweet little technician was doing the procedure and said to me "now, that shows something." I looked up at the screen and saw two little white circles side by side. Being young and
naive, I asked her if that meant it was boy (think about it)? She said "No, ma'am that means you have two babies in there." I asked her if she was sure and she replied "Absolutely Sure!"
Stunned, I left the hospital and even sat in my car a few minutes before I could process the news enough to drive home. I laughed the whole way home from the hospital. It must have been a form of shock. This was before the days of a cell phone so I couldn't even share the news with my husband until I go home. That was the longest it ever took me to drive those ten miles. When I told Dan, he didn't believe me at first but then I showed him the picture. I think he was more stunned than I was. My husband, ever the bargain hunter, thought it might be a deal, two for the price of one! Not hardly, we were still charged for two of everything (other than
pre-natal), including the one delivery room we used. And as they say it multiplied from there!
After telling Dan, I called my mom and asked her if she had the number for Singers? The other end of the line went quiet for a few seconds, then the hooting started.
I went on to have a healthy pregnancy delivering two healthy baby boys only 3 weeks earlier than my due date. Although they were early they still weighed, 6 lbs. 10 oz & 6 lbs. 12oz.
Meet Jonathan Paul & Joseph Ray.
3 days old (Jon-left, Joe-right)
8 months old (Jon-left, Joe-right)

Taken a couple of years ago with Joe on the left, Jon in the back and big brother Luke on the right.
Thanks for listening to my trip down memory lane.