What started out as a whim on March 21st of this year has hooked me. At that point in time I would have never expected to ever reach 100 posts! I've never been a big writer but I have found putting my thoughts down on paper so to speak to be a somewhat cleansing experience.
I have met some incredible people while in blog land and have even been blessed to meet some in person (you know who you are,
Besides getting to know you all, I've gotten some wonderful
inspiration for projects.
That being said, I'm having a give away to celebrate my 100th post and looking for some
inspiration as well.
Tonight will be our first sub-freezing night this fall, so my giveaway has to do more with cold weather comfort than the fall season we are currently enjoying.
We even had flurries blowing around this afternoon already!
It's still October for petes sake!

Included in this giveaway are 3 half-yard cuts of homespun, a set of 6 snowman note cards, a wonderful smelling votive made by my sister, and a jar of Fireside Coffee(decaf) mix and a corn bag made by me.
Corn bag? What in the world is a corn bag?
Let me tell you it's the best thing since sliced cornbread!
It's a microwaveable hot pack and no, the corn does not pop when heated. I get asked that question the most. The bag is filled with field corn. Just pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes and you have the best heat pack around. It holds heat a nice long time and when I get a sinus headache, the only thing that will usually knock it out is to go to bed with the "corn bag" on my face.
Now here's the catch to my giveaway...
I, in a weak moment, agreed to be part of a local Christmas housewalk held the first weekend in December. This housewalk benefits the American Cancer Society which is a cause near and dear to me as 25 years ago next week, I lost my Mom to cancer.
However on the upside, I am a cancer survivor.
My mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law and niece are all survivors too! Praise God!
I have a good friend who is fighting breast cancer right now as well.
So anyway, weak moment aside, I'm looking for suggestions in decking out my front porch for this housewalk.
I want to do something different for outside decorations than I've done in the past or at least change it up a bit.
I usually have a big wreath where the fall wreath is on the front of the house and in the past I've swagged the railing with greenery and lights as well as lit the bushes around the porch.
I know it's early to be thinking Christmas but hey, all the decorations are out in the stores already so I may as well get going on this too.
I am hoping for some unique ideas on how to decorate. Can you help?
The porch -- We use the door on the left side of the porch the most but I don't want to neglect the other door. Your thoughts on the porch?

This is a little corner off to the left side of the porch between the house and garage. I'm thinking I'll fill the wheelbarrow with greens maybe? I've lit the birdhouse in past years.
You can enter one of three ways...1) comment on this post
2) comment with a link to pictures of your holiday decorations from years past on your blog and a return link to mine
3) email me with your ideas and picturesIf you include a link from your blog to mine, I'll enter you twice in the giveaway drawing.
You have until this Saturday, November 1st at 6pm CST to post all the great ideas and suggestions I know you have. I will draw and post the winner's name on Sunday.
Help me celebrate my 100th post by sending those suggestions! I'm looking forward to getting inspired by you! December will be here be I know it!