I’m participating in Joyce’s from “This Side of the Pond” random Wednesday again. Kudos to her for coming up with great questions every week. Pop on over and check out Joyce’s blog as well as the ones who participate. It’s a great way to get hooked up with a new blog, not like I need any more in my reader that I already can’t keep up with.
This weeks randoms…
1. Your favorite chocolate treat?
Lindt dark chocolate truffles, the ones in the black bag. Specific enough?
2. What more than anything else makes you feel loved?
Coming home from work and my house being picked up and vacuumed or supper started. DH is good to me that way. It doesn’t happen all the time but once in a while it’s a wonderful surprise that makes me feel special and appreciated.
3. Cherries or blueberries?
Blueberries all the way… fresh, on salads, in baking, on ice cream, in smoothies, pretty much anyway a blueberry can go, I’m there. The only thing I might leave my blueberry for is a black or red raspberry, then Mr. Blue gets cast aside.
4. What is the one trait you most want the leader of your country to posses?
I’m going to cheat here and go with Joyce’s answer. It’s the same as mine and she put it into words so well, I couldn’t improve up on it so thank you Joyce, oh, Random Queen – “Integrity-I want that person to have a moral core. I can disagree with a leader's politics yet be supportive if I feel like they are a man/woman of integrity. I have no respect for those who bend whichever way the political wind blows.”
5. Are you a saver or a spender?
I’m not sure how to answer that. I’m not much of a saver but then I’m not much of a spender either. We try very hard to spend our money wisely and by God’s grace & blessing we have always had enough. Not always an abundance but enough for what we need. Notice that I said “need” not “want”.
6. If you gave a party for all of your friends would they already know each other?
No, but if they would talk with each other, they would probably find out they knew the same person from somewhere. That’s what happens when you live in a small town rural area.
7. Are you interested in antiques?
Yes, but not the hoity, toity fancy antiques. Give me a primitive, well worn piece any day and I’m thrilled to my toes! Like this one my son came across while helping a neighbor. They used it in their shed to store oil cans and told him to take it to the burn pile, but Jon has always had the ability to see a gem under the dirt so he brought it home and cleaned it up for his momma. He’s a good boy that Jonny! However, now that he’s married with a house of his home, I know he’d like it back but I’m not giving it up just yet.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am so incredibly, anxiously awaiting a few days away with my DH for a (uhhh) monumental birthday of mine. Let’s just say there is a hill involved and I’m cresting it rapidly. I’ll be over it two weeks from tomorrow and we’ll be celebrating it in my favorite place, east Tennessee for a full week. We’re hoping to take the motorcycle along and praying for warm & dry enough weather to get some riding in. A friend of mine, more like a father to me than my own father was blessed us with a weeks use of a condo. I’m pretty excited about the whole deal but I’ll bet you couldn’t tell that could you? I can’t think of many better ways to spend my big 5-0 than in my favorite place with my favorite person enjoying a favorite activity.