The housewalk to benefit the American Cancer Society was last night. There were 115 people who wandered through my home and 2 other homes with all the proceeds going to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
We had a great time other than it was really cold and very windy (so much for the luminaries I planned on using). We had music playing outside (per one of your comments from my
previous post calling for your help). I am so glad that suggestion was made as I love it when I walk down a city sidewalk and hear music playing but would have never thought of it myself.
Alot of people commented on how nice it was to hear it as they climbed out of their cars.
I also put together a Survivor/Memorial tree(per another comment on that post).
Actually there were three trees,

one for Survivors(the largest tree) with pictures of my immediate family and 2 friends who are Cancer Survivors,

one on supporting research for future generations which had pictures of my and my sisters children and grandchildren and then

a memorial tree with a picture of my Mom and tags with my aunts names.
All in all it was a fun night being able to touch base with people from the area we don't see very often. Thanks so much to all of you who submitted decorating suggestions and ideas.
With that checked off my "Christmas list", it's on to all of the other items still to do before Christmas. Only 17 more days to go. I better get busy!