It looked so comical..two cows standing around a smoking fire, just like they were waiting for the party to begin or maybe they were the last to leave?!?
As they said "Go West young man" so we listened and headed west to Iowa.
We crossed my "favorite" (not) bridge between Savanna, IL & Sabula, IA. The bridge has a grated surface that pulls the bike all over the place plus you can see right down through it so it never feels very safe. Oh, and please disregard the road kill in the picture right above the windshield. Poor little guy didn't quite make it to the other side. Now, what was he thinking anyway? Silly animals!
Once you cross the bridge the road runs between the backwaters of the Mississippi River and is always good for viewing wildlife. These water are almost always loaded with herons such as this one.
The rolling farmground along the river in Iowa is always so picturesque. We'd like to return in a week or two as the leaves turn.
First stop on Rt 52 was the Gravert's Apple Orchard. I came, I saw, I purchased.
Goal accomplished!
While there, we found out about the Brush Creek Winery west of Bellevue and thought we would check it out. Sorry no winery pictures. I didn't even think about it. I did think about making a purchase there though and we did! The owner was really interesting to talk with and told us about a barn tour going on in the area. Knowing, we wouldn't have time to stop at them all as it was starting to cloud up, we went with the winery owners suggestion of which one was the most interesting. Wow, what a beautiful place!
This farmstead orginated in the 1850's with the original part of the house being built in 1870. Isn't it gorgeous? I love the limestone bank. The owners just added the wrap around porch this year. Aren't the steps cool? They were concrete but stamped and stained to look like wood.
A beautiful rock waterfall in the backyard.
Here are just a couple of the buildings. In all there are 18 remaining buildings on the farm. They were all painted the traditional red & white and all had green roofs.