Sunday was the start of a gorgeous week here in Northern Illinois. We are even predicted to hit 80 a day or two!
Even though we’re experiencing Indian Summer, fall is marching ahead. Compared to last weeks ride, we saw soybeans being harvested
and the corn is getting close.
Some farmers have started on the corn as we saw empty fields and heard & smelled the dryers running. I would guess most will let it stand a bit longer to dry naturally though. It costs a whole bunch less $$$ to do it that way.
Just look at the miles of fields waiting to be combined!
We checked out a couple of old railroad bridges. DH has a fascination with those kinds of things.
Just look at how much the color has changed from last week’s ride.
If the weather holds we’re hoping to get away this weekend for a couple of days a bit further north. It’s been a bit crazy and stressful lately so I’m excited. I think a couple of days away, riding and relaxing, is just what the doctor is ordering for me.
Hoping the weather holds and you can get away. The forecast looks in your favor! ~Jeanne