Two weeks ago, I was able to transition from this ...
to this. Progress!
Although, I was directed to not put any weight on it yet. Until today! Technically, I cheated and started yesterday a bit. There is some pain involved but nothing like I was told to expect. Honestly, my knee is probably more sore than my foot and ankle from kneeling and bearing my weight on the scooter these past 8 weeks.
Instructions were to only put 25% of my total weight on it for 5 days, then 50%, then 75%, etc. The worst part of all of that is it means I have to go back to using crutches which seem incredibly awkward to me. I'm hoping I'll get a smoother hang of them the more I use them.
I also started back to work last week. I've been working half days in the office and half days from home. It's been going well and it feels good to be getting back into my "normal" routine. However, it's kicking my tail and when I come home I feel like doing this
instead of the work I should be doing from home but I've been pushing through and glad I did. It's all progress for which I am thankful. :)